Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So, I've been having this urge to get a Vespa.  There is no way I could ever justify the purchase or even afford it for that matter as I am supposed to be concerned with college funds for the kids and maximizing investments in the retirement fund, as if I will ever get to retire.  Therefore, the proceeds from the sale of this original artwork entitled "vespa" will go directly to the newly formed vespa fund.  It is a unique creation, hand printed with the nicest pen I have.  Also, I will accept offers of a trade for a well performing Vespa or corporate sponsorship from Vespa USA or Vespa (any other country) if they are willing.  The penny was not really a part of the work but a size comparison item.  I will consider sending the penny with the art to the winning bidder if the previously mentioned vespa is within reach.